Massimo Osanna
Massimo Osanna – full Professor of Classical Archaeologyat the University of Napoli “Federico II” -isDirector General of Museumsat the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. He received his PhD in Archaeology from the University of Perugia, where he studied the greek colonization in Italy and a PhD in History from the University of San Marino, studing the religion of the ancien tPeloponnesos. He carried out researchesat the Italian Archaeological School of Athens and the University of Heidelberg (fellowship Alexander von Humboldt). He undertook his professional activity at the University of Basilicata where he was a Lecturer in classical archeology (since 1994), Associate professor (since2000) and Director of the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage in Matera (2002-2014). He wasalsoSuperintendent for the Archaeological Heritage of Basilicata (2007-2008); Directeur d’etude (2007) at the EcolePratiquedesHautesEtudes in Paris (2007); Professor of ClassicalArcheologyat the University of Heidelberg (2010); researchfellow Alexander von Humboldtat the Humboldt-UniversitätBerlin (2011); visiting professor at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris (2013).Between 2014 and 2020 he hasbeen the Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompei.