All buyers at the 6th RO.ME Museum Exhibition The list is constantly being updated MONIKA BLUEMENSTIEL Museumsshop Friends of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens GmbH (Germany) MAGGIE CHAPPER Director of Retail Services – The National World War II Museum (USA) ALLEGRA DE MAIGRET Arteum (France) MARCUS FINGERLIN Assistant Manager of Merchandise Planning_ Denver Art Museum (USA) BASHIR GALGHAM Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Information (Libya) RAUL PINEDA GUZAR Director Museo del Perfume (Mexico) KEIKO HORIUCHI Artizon Museum shop manager (Japan) SOPHIE LANGUILLAME Popash – Association Museum Industries (France) ENRIQUE RIVERA GALLARDO MIM – Museo Interactivo Mirador, Santiago de Chile (Chile) RENATA SANSONE Operations Director Civita Mostre e Musei spa and CEO Civita Sicilia srl (Italy) ANTONIO SCUDERI CEO Capitale Cultura Group (Italy) LAURA SILVESTRO Zètema Progetto Cultura (Italy) MATTEO TRESSO Artefact (Italy) ANNAMARIA VIGH Budapest Museum of Fine Arts (Hungary) GUSTAVO ZAPATA TALLEDO Museo De Arte De Lima – Mali (Peru)