Future Technology Lead
Future Technology Lead was founded with the aim of producing and integrating technology to improve people’s work.
Each solution is developed in a timely manner on the needs of the client, with innovative technologies and methodologies and with respect for economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Our teams are composed with the organicity of their components in mind, preferring internal growth to outsourcing and aiming for return in the medium or long term, rather than the result in the short term.
The values that guide our work are speed of delivery, ethics in conducting each job order, continuous growth of our expertise, and responsiveness in responding to customer needs.
Future Technology Lead’s software factory is divided into several business units, each strong in advanced skills and leading national expertise:
- Software for Digital PA – Future Technology Lead produces and distributes Guild, one of the most advanced and comprehensive IT solutions for the regulated professions. Entirely in the cloud, it allows 360° management of a Professional Order, College, Association or Federation. Adopted by the Orders of Engineers of the Provinces of Rome, Milan and Salerno, the Orders of Biologists of Lombardy, Latium, Abruzzo, Campania, Molise and Sicily, the Italian Society of Cardiac Surgeons and the Italian Society of Vascular Surgery, the National Council of Accountants and the National Federation of Biologists.
- Custom-based ERP, CRM and BI – The unit that makes custom software on the needs of clients. It has created the data ingestion platform of the entire volume of traffic data (airport, port, railway and highway) on behalf of the Ministry of Transport and for Assaeroporti, the association of airport managers afferent to Confindustria; the chemotherapy dematerialization system for the Azienda Ospedaliera Policlinico Umberto I in Rome; the Industry 4.0 software for ITOP Officine Ortopediche S.p.A.
- Digital eXperience – Department that deals with the development of websites, portals, ecommerce platforms and marketplaces, native mobile applications. Of particular note are the digital projects carried out for the Ministry of Culture on Roman museums and museum spaces.
- Prototypes and R&D – Division that creates high-tech application prototypes, with several startups as clients, but also institutional clients such as the European Parliament and Roma Capitale. Future Technology Lead also has a number of PNRR-funded R&D projects to its credit.
In FTL’s corporate philosophy, a significant weight is occupied by certification processes: in an industrial sector with high specialization and expertise such as information technology, standards and the adoption of regulated practices represent an indispensable trait.
One of the company’s growth trajectories is the continuous improvement of its quality and technical standards, with a view to a path of continuous and constant improvement of service levels, security, resilience and sustainability.
The candidacy to lead the way in the digital transformation of its clients requires Future Technology Lead to be the first to embark on a path of continuous evolution and innovation: the certifications the company holds in the areas of quality, data security, operational continuity, sustainability and gender equality are a testament to this desire.
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