Antonio Calabrò
Antonio Calabrò, is born in Patti (ME) in 1950, writer and journalist, is the Director of Fondazione Pirelli, Senior Advisor Culture and Director Institutional Affairs of Pirelli & C. S.p.A..
Mr. Calabrò is Vice president of Assolombarda, Unione Industriale di Torino and Vice president of Centro per la Cultura d’Impresa. He is President of Museimpresa and of Il Cittadino. He is also member of the Board of a variety of companies and Institutes, including University LIUC, Aspen Institute Italia, Italia-Cina Foundation, Unicredit Lombardia, Touring Club, Nomisma, Orchestra Verdi, Teatro Franco Parenti, and Unipolis Foundation.
He is professor at Università Cattolica in Milan and he has also taught at Università Bocconi in Milan.
He has been Executive Director of “APcom”, Editorial Director of “Il Sole24Ore Group” and Deputy Director of its leading newspaper.
He has worked for “La Repubblica”, “Il Mondo” and “L’Ora” and has been Executive Editor of the weekly magazine “La Lettera Finanziaria” and the monthly magazine “Ventiquattro”.
He is the author of several publications, among which: “Orgoglio industriale” (Mondadori 2009), “Cuore di cactus” (Sellerio 2010), “Bandeirantes” (con Carlo Calabrò, Laterza 2011), “Il Riscatto – L’Italia e l’industria internazionale” (con Nani Beccalli Falco, Università Bocconi 2012), “La morale del Tornio” (Università Bocconi 2015) e “I mille morti di Palermo” (Mondadori 2016), “L’impresa riformista” (2019) e “Oltre la fragilità” (2020).