To Be, an innovative SME, has been developing solutions applying Li-Fi technology for several years with the intention of unleashing the potential of light, connecting things and people in a sustainable way, and being a seed of innovation in a smarter world.
LiFi Art is the flagship project developed by To Be to digitize the Cultural Heritage ecosystem. It was created as part of the “LiFi Zone Beni Culturali” project funded through the “Campania Startup 2020” call for proposals and supported by the 2014 – 2020 POR CAMPANIA FESR Plan. It is a solution that enables multimedia content making the visit more interactive and inclusive. It offers many additional services such as the creation of thematic routes built by area of interest, by historical period, and by age group; way-finding services to guide the visitor within the spaces helping them to orient themselves; and support services for people with disabilities to make the visit experience enjoyable also for those who may have functional difficulties and who until now have encountered access barriers to fruition. Thanks to its high accuracy in terms of geolocation and indoor navigation service, LiFi Art also enables the development of co-marketing services and systems to enhance activities related to the area in order to involve the entire sector.
Over the years, To Be has developed several LiFi application solutions going to meet the growing demand for data traffic and drive the digital transition to fast, secure, sustainable connectivity that is accessible to all and can be integrated with lighting systems that significantly reduce energy consumption.
Among the LiFi projects implemented: Smart@Pompei, the MArTa Museum in Taranto, the Altamura Museum and Castel Del Monte.
To Be
giacomo@tobe-srl.it | annalisa@tobe-srl.it
Giacomo Malandruccolo 3278621399 | Annalisa Milani 3290255394