

QuestIt creates Artificial Intelligence solutions, based on cognitive and machine learning technologies, to support companies in giving value to their data and improving their processes and organization. Born as a spin-off of the research group of the Information Engineering Department of the University of Siena, in 2017 it was acquired by The Digital Box group and sees the entry in 2019 of Exprivia and the Readytec group in the company share capital. Having consolidated the role of the company, today QuestIT is recognized at European level for the development of proprietary Artificial Intelligence technologies based on NLP, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Mining techniques to support the decision-making processes of small, medium and large companies. These technologies allow machines to understand the meaning of words through a deep semantic analysis, essential for the creation of virtual assistants truly capable of understanding user requests, analysis and document research, the acquisition of information from the network, extraction of structured data and identification of qualitative information present in the data.


Sede legale: Via Firenze, 33 – 53048 Sinalunga (SI)
Sede operativa: Via Leonida Cialfi, 23, int.10 – 53100 Siena
0577 533902 – –