Giulia Mura

Giulia Mura

Superficial Studio

An interior architect with a specialization in exhibit design, born in 1983, she is co-founder, PR director and content curator of Superficial Studio, a Rome-based creative agency that researches and develops cultural projects and creative formats, integrating storytelling, communication, visuals, exhibit design, publishing, events and branding. As a university lecturer, curator and consultant, she has collaborated with institutions such as La Sapienza, IED Design (Rome), Uninettuno, Unicusano, Quasar, Rufa and Accademia Italiana, teaching disciplines related to the history of architecture and design, exhibition design and applied museography. Writing stories, or rather, creating content, is her passion: she is a freelance editor for magazines such as Artribune, Professione Architetto, Living del Corriere, AR Magazine, La casa in ordine, Youmanist and L’Arca. For years, she has collaborated with Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi and AIAC, the Italian Association of Architecture and Criticism, to popularize contemporary architecture.


IG @giu__mura
Linkedin: Giulia Mura