Simona Bruni
Simona Bruni, Architect, is a PhD in Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage at the MediterraneanUniversity of Reggio Calabria.
He mainlydeals with the restoration and conservation of historicalarchitecture in the Mediterranean area and since 2002 he hasworked in the field of restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage with variousassignments with localadministrations, the Park Authority and SABAP in the Calabrian area.
Since 2004 shehasbeen editor of scientificcontributions on the themes of restoration and constructiontechniques of historicbuildings, participates in sectorconferences and hasbeen an adjunct professor for the ArchitecturalRestorationLaboratoriesat the MediterraneanUniversity of Reggio Calabria, collaborated in researchactivities, in regional and nationalprojects with the PAU – Heritage, Architecture, Urban Planning Department – of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria.
Since 2018 he hasbeen an Architect Officerat the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism – Calabria RegionalMuseumDirectorate – performstechnicalfunctionsat the technical office of the RegionalDirectorate and since 2019 he hasbeen the Contact for the ArchaeologicalMuseum of Mètauros.