Remo Tagliacozzo
Remo Tagliacozzo, Sole Director Of Zetema Progetto Cultura
Until September 2017, Remo Tagliacozzo held important positions within CIRA, the Italian Aerospace Research Center, as Head of Corporate Legal Affairs & Corporate Governance and Secretary of the Board of Directors and Shareholders’ Meeting.
He also developed his professional career in multinational contexts, first in Shared Medical System Italy (SMS -HS) and then for Siemens’ Health Service division.
From 2004 to 2008 he held the position of CFO and then CEO of TerSpA, in the ITC sector. He was then appointed Sole Director, CEO and Compliance Officer of several companies in the ITC sector.
From 2017 to December 2019 he was CEO of Zètema Progetto Cultura. He was then appointed Sole Director of the same company, which is his current position. The company, fully owned by Roma Capitale (the Municipality of Rome), manages:
• cultural and tourist activities and services
• organization of cultural events
• design, maintenance, conservation, and cataloging activities on behalf of the Municipal Superintendence
• the CivicMuseum Network
• several city spaces dedicated to entertainment, culture and tourist hospitality.
The stated objective of his mandate as CEO and Sole Director of Zètema is the repositioning of the Company in the reference market, as a distinctive and recognized cultural brand.
The Change project currently in progress within the Company is based on 4 pillars: ORGANIZATION – MANAGEMENT – LEADERSHIP – PEOPLE. Each item has been the subject of specific models’ internal elaboration.
The recognition of employees as persons, the centrality of listening and training, as well as the pursuit of customer satisfaction to enhance customers’ experience represent the foundation to achieve a new corporate identity.