Laura Fornara
Laura Fornara is the Deputy Head of Art, Cultural Activities and Heritage Department in Compagnia di San Paolo.
She is mainly involved in the Foundation’s activity to support the conservation, management and promotion of cultural heritage. She is board member of Fondazione Centro Conservazione e Restaurodei Beni Culturali “La VenariaReale”, aninstitute for high level education and research. She is also board member of Fondazione Romano Gazzera and member of the ACRI (Associazione di Fondazioni e Casse di Risparmio) Heritage and Culture Committee. Previously Laura, after a stint in the Marketing Department at Christie’s auctioneer in London, worked for the Italian Cultural Foundation of America, based in New York, in public relations. She graduated from the University of Parma with a degree in History of Art. She holds a Master Degree in International Studies in Philanthropy from the University of Bologna.