Francesca Imperiale
Francesca Imperiale has her PhD in business administration from the University of Salento, Italy where she is Associate Professor. Since 2008, she teaches management of cultural organizations, with a focus on heritage assets management, mainly in the master degrees of the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’ Economia and the High School of Archaeology, University of Salento. She specialized in research activities in the field of cultural heritage management and cultural network performance. The main topics of investigation in these fields are public-private governance, community engagement, heritage asset accounting and network performance systems. Francesca is also interested in catastrophic risk management related to heritage assets and has written about 40 publications on these topics. Furthermore, she participates as principal investigator in several research projects on cultural and creative sectors which she designed, developed or proposed for funding in partnerships with public institutions in Italy and in the Mediterranean area (particularly Greece, Croatia, Albania). She is President of the Apulian Observatory of Performing Arts and member of the Technical Committee of the Extraordinary Plan for Culture in Covid-19 time of the Apulia Region. She has served on the ENCATC (The European network on cultural management and policy) Board since 2015 and in the role of ENCATC President since the end of 2017.