Catherine Bertram
Catherine Bertram is a graduate of the Institute of Political Science of Paris “Sciences Po Paris”. In 1995, she started her career at the Nord-Pas de Calais Public Land-Management Agency (Etablissement Public Foncier), in charge of brownfield regeneration. From 1996 to 2000, she worked as a project manager in the Land management and brownfield regeneration Department of the NordPas de Calais Regional Council. She was in charge of the technical coordination of the “Coalfield citizen participation project”, which gave birth to “the White Paper of the Mining Basin” in 1998. The White Paper designed a priority action program, validated by the Interministerial Committee for Territorial
Development and Development on December 15th, 1998. In 2000, Catherine Bertram joined the Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin Land Planning and Development Agency – la Mission BassinMinier (MBM), created by decision of the Interministerial Committee. The MBM was designed as a planning and development task force unit, aiming at supporting the implementation of a global program of urban and social, economic, cultural and ecological redevelopment of the mining basin. As a project manager first, she co-elaborated the strategic plan for mining cultural heritage development – first draft of the UNESCO Management Plan. Then as a director of studies, she cosupervised a team working on the Nomination document of the Mining Basin for the World Heritage List, in the category of “evolving cultural landscapes”. Since the prestigious UNESCO label was obtained on June 30th 2012, the MBM has been in charge of managing the label and of coordinating the implementation of the Management Plan, in connection with National, Regional and local authorities. Since February 2013, Catherine Bertram has been the General manager of the Mission BassinMinier.