Antonio Scuderi
Antonio Scuderi is an entrepreneur, manager and professional journalist. He is the founder and CEO of CapitaleCultura Group, with companies and offices in Italy and Switzerland, focused on the business development of cultural organizations and the development of innovative services for the sector. He is also co-founder and CEO of ARtGlass, today the leading international company in the field of Augmented Reality on multimedia glasses for cultural sites, with companies in Italy and USA. He was CEO of 24 Ore Cultura and Alinari 24 Ore and Culture Area Director of the Sole 24 Ore Group and, earlier, General Manager Content and Editorial Coordination of De Agostini Editore and Editorial Director of Sapere.it. As a journalist, he has held positions as director and coordinator in various national and regional media (Repubblica.it, IlNuovo.it, Mediasetonline, La Notte, Sei Milano TV, Il Manifesto, l’Indipendente), specializing in digital media. He graduated in Political Science, attended the Carlo De Martino School of Journalism in Milan and obtained an EMBA certificate.