Adele Maresca Compagna
President of the Italian Committee of ICOM (international Council of Museums) since November 2019, after having been vice-president (2013-2019), she represents the association within the Ministerial Commission for the activation of the National Museum System (Ministerial Decree 9 August 2018).
Head of the Research and Publications sector of the MiBACT Research Office from 1982 to 2014, editor-in-chief of the Ministry’s “Notiziario”, he oversaw and directed studies and surveys on the protection and management of cultural heritage and museums and published as curator and / or co-author, numerous volumes including: Cultural heritage and European market. Export regulations to EU countries, Rome 1990, Management and enhancement of cultural heritage in regional legislation, Rome 1998; Evaluation tools for Italian museums. Comparing experiences, Rome 2005; Quality museums. Accreditation systems of European museums, Rome 2008; Museums, public, territory. Verification of standards in state museums, Rome 2008; The museum’s identity card: the regulation, Rome 2009.