Stefano Cursi

Stefano Cursi


Licensed Architectural Engineer, received both a Ph.D. and a master degree with honors at Sapienza University of Rome. Since september 2020 is Research fellow at the Institute of Heritage Science (ISPC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
Author of several international scientific publications and winner of the award, ‘eCAADe grant for young researcher ‘ in 2013; his research interests are oriented toward ontology-based systems for the representation of built heritage knowledge, BIM technologies, and the development of advanced, data-driven digital solutions for the architecture, engineering, and construction industries based on artificial intelligence techniques.
In his career he has participated in several research programs; among which we can highlight:
– PON research program “IDEHA – Innovation for Data Elaboration in Heritage Areas”; on the development and implementation of a methodology for the management in a Heritage BIM environment of all historical, architectural and diagnostic data for the knowledge, conservation and maintenance of the Built Heritage;
– PRIN research program ” BHIMM – Built Heritage Information Modeling/Management”; on the application of BIM and the Semantic Web to the modeling and management of Built Heritage.
Currently he collaborates as a freelancer with several design and architectural firms testing advanced theories and techniques in the professional field.