Stefano Campagnolo
Stefano Campagnolo (Rome, 1962) graduated in Musicology (Cremona – Department of Musicological and Paleographical-Philological Sciences of the University of Pavia), where he obtained a PhD in Musical Philology. He was a public administrator in Cremona for two administrative terms, as town councillor and president of the Culture Commission and for five years as “Assessore al Patrimonio” (1998 – 2009). He took up the position of Librarian at the State Library of Cremona (2000) and directed it for ten years (2008-2017), continuing in his managerial career, again for the Ministry of Culture, as Regional Secretary and Director of the Polo Museale del Molise (2018), Director of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice (2018-2021, so far ad interim), and since October 2021 he has been Director of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale ‘Vittorio Emanuele II’ in Rome. As a scholar he has to his credit, in addition to curating exhibitions and catalogues and professional publications, numerous philological essays on 14th-century music and the 16th-century madrigal.