Roberto Busso
Roberto Busso was born in Savigliano in 1965. He took a degree in Architecture at the Politecnico in Turin. After the degree he attended the European Master in “Real Estate Market & Town Planning” at the Politecnico in Turin. Since 2014 CEO GABETTI PROPERTY SOLUTIONS S.p.A., PATRIGEST S.p.A and CHAIRMAN TREE RE S.r.l.a company of Gabetti Group, which controls the threenetworksofreal estate franchising: Gabetti Franchising Agency, Professionecasa and Grimaldi. Since 2012 CHAIRMAN and CEO ABACOTEAM S.p.A. (Gabetti Group) and since 2021 Chairman ABACO ENGINEERING S.r.l.. From 2006 to 2012 GENERAL MANAGER REAG – Real Estate Advisory Group S.p.A.(American Appraisal Group). In 2007 he authored The technical Due Diligence, “The management of buildings and real estate properties” and The environmental Due Diligence, “The management of buildings and real estate properties”, in 2002 The process of Due Diligence, “The management of buildings and real estate properties” for Il Sole 24 Ore.