Pierluigi Piselli
Graduated in Law with honors from La Sapienza University, Rome. Administrative Lawyer, co-founded Cancrini-Piselli Law Firm, and founded Piselli& Partners Law Firm, which won the Le Fonti Adwards Prize in 2017 and 2018 as Boutique of the Year for Administrative Law. His many published volumes include Appaltoprivato e pubblico (Private and Public Procurement), Ed. Giuffrè, 1983 – reprinted in 2nd edition in 1990; La Nuova legge degli Appalti Pubblici (New Laws for Public Procurement), Ed. IGOP, 2006; Il contratto di rendimento energetico (Contract for energy supply), Ed. UTET 2011; Corruzione e cultura della legalità (Corruption and Culture of Legality), Ed. Edilstampa, 2015; Public Procurement 4.0. I nuovi strumenti digital al servizio della contrattualistica pubblica (New digital tools at the service of public contracts) Quaderni Public Procurement Institute, 2019.
He has also published multiple articles and doctrinal contributions in public contracts and procurement magazines as well as in trade newspapers.
He is an author for Rivista Trimestrale degli Appalti (Maggioli), Teme and Agenda Digitale magazines. His various public positions include: 2004 as a member of the Veneto Regional Council working group drafting documents implementing Regional Law no. 27/2003 on public works and regional interest; 2005 as President of the Commission to study and develop the legal form of duties in the Study Training Centre (FORMEZ), established by the Department of Public Administration by decree on 28 February 2005; from 2009 to 2012 as a member of the Evaluation and Verification of Public Investments of Valle D’Aosta Unit (NUVVV); in 2009 as Counsellor of the Ministry of Tourism legislative unit (Hon. Michela Vittoria Brambilla); from 2016 to 2018 as Consultant to the Anti-mafia Parliamentary Commission (chaired by Hon. Rosy Bindi) refering to the XIII Procurement Committee.
In 2017 and 2018 he helped draft the World Bank Report Enabling the Business of Agriculture.He was an adjunct professor teaching Law of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency at the University of Cassino, Economics Faculty (2009-2010 and 2010-2011). He has been a speaker at several national and international conferences and roundtables. A lecturer at several training schools (I.G.O.P., IPSOA, FORMEZ, ASSEF, ISCEA, AFM, INFORMA, CEIDA, PARADIGMA, NUOVA QUASCO, DIREXTRA) and currently at Venezia Studi and PPI – Public Procurement Institute. He has held several seminars on legislation concerning Public Works, Public Contracts, and Internationalization of Enterprises. He is a consultant for several Public Administrations, leading national and foreign companies as well as trade associations including ANCE (National Association of Building Contractors) as a member of the Legal Council and consultant to the President, ATECAP and FEDERCOSTRUZIONI as Arbitrator. He is a strategic ally of the LIRAX Blockchain Project. Finally, he has conceived and participated in numerous conferences and doctoral modifications on assisted administrative and algorithmic procedure, contributing to the development of Wizard PA software, for which he is legal advisor. Since 2007 he has been registered with the Chamber of Arbitrators. Since 1985 he has been registered with the Rome Bar Association and is qualified to practice before the higher courts.