Pierfranco Tresso
In 1987, after acquiring expertise in the field of IT applied to administrative and accounting management activities, he resigned from his job and joined a consulting firm to further his administrative experience; he also worked as technical director for several companies. In 1988 he became a management consultant for the Egyptian Museum of Turin, for which he devised and developed a subcontracting agreement between the Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato and a Turin-based company for the management of the museum’s bookshops. Over the following years, he supervised the performance of the bookshop, while further pursuing his theoretical and practical education in tax, administrative and management matters. In 1995, following the enactment of the Ronchey law, he and two partners created Artefatto, a company that specialises in museum merchandising. Over the years, the company has become a major point of reference for leading museums (Royal Palace of Venaria, Archaeological Museum of Bologna, Archaeological Park of the Colosseum), cultural institutions (FAI, Turin Olympic Host City Committee), and companies providing museum services (Mondadori, Civica, Opera, Coop Culture). In 2008 he became Manager of the Artefatto and Scala Group concession for the management of the bookshop, merchandising and publishing services of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. This position was re-confirmed, together with publisher Franco Cosimo Panini, by tenders called in 2013 and 2019. In 2018 he became the Manager of the bookshop concession for the seven Civic Museums of Verona, under a temporary consortium formed with Franco Cosimo Panini Editore, REAR and MIDA Informatica. In 2019-2020, he also became head of merchandising, publishing and bookshop operations for Lavazza, the Teatro Regio and the National Automobile Museum of Turin.