Paolo Carafa
Paolo Carafa is Full Professor in Sapienza University of Rome. His main scientific interests have been devoted to Roman topography, Etruria during Etruscan and Roman times, Basilicata, Calabria (ancient Sibaritide), the Suburbium of ancient Rome, and analysis of monumental complexes in various towns of Roman Italy (Rome, northern slopes of the Palatine, Volterra, Pompeii, Veii). In 2005 he created a (patented) Archaeological Information System. Since then he has coordinated research projects dedicated to Roman urban architecture and landscapes of ancient Latium. As well as fieldwork, he has been coordinating scientific research teams since 1986 with the aim of reconstructing the topography and landscapes of ancient towns and their territories. He also has interests in artistic production of the Hellenistic era, Latin epigraphy, Archaic architecture in mid-Tyrrhenian Italy, the Romanization of Campania, mainly at Pompeii, and of Magna Graecia, archaeological computing, Geographical Information Systems, landscape archaeology: field survey, methods and theory.