Nicola Corti

Nicola Corti

Fondazione Italia per il Dono

With passion, tenacity, and professionalism, he has led the UMANA MENTE Foundation of Allianz S.p.A. for over twenty-three years, supporting more than 38,000 people in distress in Italy and raising a total of €38,913,568 for 80 projects. He founded the Comitato per la Promozione del Dono Onlus, which later evolved into the Fondazione Italia per il Dono onlus, now known as the Fondazione Italia per il Dono Ente Filantropico, where he serves as Managing Director. This innovative philanthropic intermediary operates at both national and international levels, emerging as a primary player in Italy, having raised €46,273,240 from 12,670 donors through 417 philanthropic funds.
He has been a lecturer for several years in the Master’s program in Fundraising for Nonprofits and Public Entities at the University of Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum – Forlì. Graduating with honors in Political Science from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, he began his career in the trade fair sector as a project manager, holding marketing and commercial roles at Gestione Fiere S.p.A. and contributing to the organization of the inaugural events at the New Fair District of Milan (Expo Italia Real Estate and Progetto Città).
His interest in the nonprofit sector, born from personal volunteer experiences in Italy and abroad, has increasingly connected him to the world of foundations, grant-making entities, and the connections between the profit and nonprofit sectors, demonstrating a strong sensitivity towards promoting the culture of giving and institutional philanthropy. He earned a Master’s degree with honors in Public Governance from the University of Naples Federico II, in collaboration with the Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà.