Maurizio Vivarelli
Professor of Bibliography and Librarianship at the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin. The main themes of his research concern space and identity of the public library (Un’idea di biblioteca, 2010; Lo spazio della biblioteca, 2013; Dal spazio, 2016; The identity of the contemporarypublic library, 2016); reading and social reading (Le reti della lettura, 2016, translated into Spanish conLas Redes de la lectura, 2019; Social reading and the role of data in improvingreading experiences della rivista “DigitCult. Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures”, 2019; La lettura, 2018); evolution of bibliographic culture in digital environment (Le dimensioni della bibliografia, 2013). He is part of the scientific committee of “AIB Studies”, “Libraries Today”, “Libraries Today Trends”, “Text and Document Cultures”, “JLIS.it”, “DigitCult. Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures”; is a member of SISBB. Società Italiana di Scienze Bibliografiche e Biblioteconomiche; Vice-President of the Interdepartmental Centre of the University of Turin of Digital Scholarship for the Humanities (DISH).