Marco Gisotti

Marco Gisotti

Wikiradio journalist, Rai Radio 3

Marco Gisotti, a journalist and popularizer, author of the “Quasar” broadcast on Rai2 and the animation series “2 Friends for the Earth” on Rai3, hosts and writes the science and environment episodes for Radio3 RAI’s Wikiradio program.
He is a lecturer at the University of Tor Vergata in the course Theories and Languages of Scientific Communication. Author of “Ecovisions. Ecology in Cinema from the Lumiére Brothers to Marvel” (Edizioni Ambiente, 2022), has been artistic director of the Green Drop Award at the Venice International Film Festival since 2012. An expert on the green economy and green employment, he is co-author with Tessa Gelisio of the essay “100 green jobs to find work” (Edizioni Ambiente) and is among the authors of the annual “GreenItaly” report by Fondazione Symbola and Unioncamere.
He has served as environmental communication adviser to Environment Minister Sergio Costa and Ecological Transition Minister Roberto Cingolani. For the Maxxi Foundation in Rome in 2019, he produced a series of lecture-shows together with Enea researcher Antonio Disi dedicated to the theme “Art & Energy,” and in 2020 he served as scientific advisor and led the “Brainstorming” series of events as part of the “Festival CHANGE – architecture cities life.”