Concept The high quality of the Tusciart brand is characterized by the nature in which the product is
conceived, all made with reference to the culture and images of Italian art.
All together they represent the complete answer to all the needs of the target tourist/customer and whose needs are known. Objective
It is to pursue an almost maniacal care in product design and packaging offered so that it is immediately recognizable . It is therefore evident how the creation of a Corporate Image, achieved through the optimization of technical know-how, diversification of production with a design operation , is the tool through which to pursue the strategy of positioning in the market segment.
The Corporate Image expressed, a winning and innovative idea that makes the brand unique, as the product to be understood and appreciated must be well presented. . Purpose
The project is aimed at satisfying those consumptions, peculiar to the tourist, attributable to the purchase, made on occasions of travel and vacations. Offer, however, able to collect the interest also in those people who, for different reasons, have the need and / or pleasure to buy products with a strong link to the territory, as they summarize and reproduce its contents and characteristics. Consequently, even if the typical end buyer can be traced back to the ” tourist ” it is realistically conceivable that the product may also be of interest to a broader clientele, represented not only by private individuals but also , for example, by foreign distributors and companies, which, in particular, may identify gift ideas in the products. The Product Philosophy The company Mada in Florence srls , distributor of the brand Tusciart produces and markets wristwatches divided into twelve different lines, all original and of great quality. The cultural choice of reference is due to the training and specialization of the company,
allows the store to choose the product that best satisfies and is most suitable for the area or clientele in which it operates. Excellent value for money is achieved due to the absence of additional commercial steps. We render a targeted but broad service with the customized offers to distributors, brand holders, museums, gift stores, located in places with a high density of cultural tourism. We carefully assess the end customers and target audience for the products. We follow the items at every stage, drawing, design, sampling, production, packaging and certification. We distribute directly to selected store customers, avoiding overlap and competition., through cash and carry service by phone 0761 220842, or by e-mail

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