Lida Branchesi

Lida Branchesi

Former Professor of Museum and Territorial Education at "Sapienza" University of Rome, member of the Groupe des spécialistes sur la pédagogie du patrimoine of the Council of Europe

Art historian, international expert in heritage education. Former professor of History of Art; researcher, since 1990, at CEDE- European Centre of Education, then INVALSI, directs national and international research relating to the arts and cultural heritage; member of the Council of Europe’s Group of Specialists on European Heritage Classes and Education participates for more than a decade in Strasbourg, in the elaboration, promotion and evaluation of CoE projects; professor since 2001 of  Museum and Heritage Education at Sapienza-University of Rome, promotes and coordinates research and conferences on museum communication and education. Member of several scientific committees and ministerial commissions; speaks, also on behalf of the Council of Europe, at international Conferences and Seminars. She is the author and editor of many books and essays published both in Italy and abroad.