Welcome to the museum equipment fair! If you’re interested in increasing the effectiveness of your actions on artistic, cultural, and archaeological sites, you’re in the right place.


Multimedia strategies and solutions are essential for engaging visitors in an interactive and multisensory way. Through interaction with the public, you can offer a unique and engaging experience.


At Intertouch, we understand the importance of meeting the needs of marketing departments. We offer a complete service that covers all phases of the project, from creativity to design, from logistics management to set up.


We are the result of years of research into visitor entertainment and the study of creating the best possible experience. We use interactive activities, augmented and virtual reality to transform your site visit into an unforgettable experience.


Our mission is to help you create an emotional connection with your visitors, offering them a unique way to experience art, culture, and archaeology. We are here to provide you with the technological and creative solutions necessary to achieve this goal.


Come visit us at our stand and discover how our multimedia solutions can improve your visitor engagement strategy. We are ready to help you turn your vision into reality.

+39 06 64220488