Ingrid Veneroso

Ingrid Veneroso

Comune di Padova

Communication manager and designer of interpretation and communication plans, she is a journalist working in the field of World Heritage since 2007.
Graduated from the University of Oriental Studies in Naples with the thesis “The identity of modern Japanese culture through the history of art of the Meiji period”, in 2019 he obtained the master’s degree of II level MUSEC – Management of Cultural Heritage and creative enterprises at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ferrara with the research work “Coping with Complexity: P.D.C.A. cycle in managing World Heritage – Tackling complexity; the P.D.C.A. cycle in World Heritage management”.
Works for the World Heritage Office of the City of Padova and is a consultant for professionals and managers of the World Heritage in the planning and development of strategies for interpretation, presentation and communication in UNESCO designations, In accordance with the principles of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the Operational Guidelines of the World Heritage Centre and various World Heritage programmes.
From 2016 to 2022 she was a consultant for the World Heritage Association of Italian Heritage Sites for the development of actions and projects related to sustainable development and management of World Heritage in collaboration with the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, the UNITWIN network UNESCIO, ICCROM, ICOMOS, the European World Heritage Association Network, Council of Europe.
From 2020, it will offer courses in advanced training and tutoring for universities and cultural institutions. Since 2016 he is the editorial director of Rivista Siti, an organ of the Associazione Beni Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale.