Ilaria Batassa
Ilaria Batassa is a PhD in Humanities – EstudiosArtísticos, Literarios y de la Cultura at the ‘Tor Vergata’ University of Rome and ‘Autonoma’ of Madrid: her studies have focused on the relationship between literature, linguistics and art, through the study of author’s correspondence. He collaborated with the Leopardian Study Center, with the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, with the University of Dalarna, with the Civic Library of Verona. He has completed specialization courses in Hermeneutics and aesthetics at the SuorOrsolaBenincasa University of Naples and in Italian Etymology and Lexicography at the Accademia dellaCrusca. She was a research fellow at the Dino Buzzati Study Center. From 2014 to 2018 she taught, as an expert on the subject, Communication and writing for the network and Innovative digital design at the Master Digital Communication and Network Communication (provided by CReSEC – Center for Research and Development on E-Content and by University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, in collaboration with the MAEF). Winner of the competition for the role of Officer for the Promotion and Communication of the MiC, from January 2018 to March 2020 he held the position at the Regional Directorate of Museums of Umbria; currently holds the same post at the National Gallery of Umbria.
Since December 2020 he has been director of the Villa del Colle del Cardinale (Colle Umberto, Perugia).