Giovanna Barni
Since 2010 Giovanna Barni is President and Business Development Manager at CoopCulture, one of the largest cooperative companies working in the field of cultural heritage in Italy, aiming to enable different cultural audiences to experience territories through new storytellings, digital devices applied to culture and integrated cultural offers.
After her engagement at Società Video Italia associated to ITALIA BBDO, where she experimented the use of technology in the area of cultural heritage, from 1990 to 2006 she was marketing and business manager at Pierreci company, being its President until 2009. From 2006 to 2010 she was chief executive officer at Scabec, a public-private cultural company working for the Regional Administration of Campania Region.
At Legacoop – Italian representative association of cultural cooperative companies-, she is President of CulTurMedia, the thematic area dedicated to associated cultural, media and touristic cooperatives.
At Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane- which associates all Italian cooperative companies- she is member of the Boards dedicated to Culture and Tourism and President of the Media and Communication sector.