Giorgio Sotira

Giorgio Sotira

CEO of Civita Exhibitions and Museums s.p.a.

Giorgio Sotira is an Italian manager, with more than 20 years of experience. After 7 years of activity in M&A advisory, he started his career at C-level. He was for 5 years deputy chairman of Cinecittà, among the largest studios in the world; since 2018 he isthe CEO of CivitaMostre e Musei, one of the leading Italian companies in cultural sector, active at global level.He also served in the public sector as CEO of a marina and as Representative of the Italian Government in the University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri”.He has over 10 years of activities in some bodies of Italian associations (Confindustria, Assonimeand Coldiretti).He holds a Law Master’s Degree obtained at Luiss University of Rome and a Master’s Degree in Banking and Finance obtained at Queen Mary University of London.