Elena Gigliarelli
Elena Gigliarelli (F) is a Senior Scientist at the ISPC Institute of Heritage Sciences of the CNR National Research Council of Italy, where she leads the BHiLAB (Built Heritage Innovation Laboratory). She joined the CNR in 1991, where she’s been promoting and developing national and international projects in protection and enhancement of built heritage.
She earned a Master degree in Architecture (1988) and a specialization in restoration of monuments at Sapienza University. Her research arises from the objective to integrate the application and development of new diagnostic techniques with the conservation design strategies for a comprehensive model of knowledge and conservation of built heritage, with a focus on the adaptation of architectural heritage with technological interventions to improve levels of living comfort and energy efficiency.
She is actively involved in Research Infrastructures at national level with the project DARIAH-IT “Developing nAtional and Regional Infrastructural nodes of dAriaH in ITaly”, acting as Head of the Node OR3 of the Naples Research Unit.
She is the Scientific Coordinator of the international EU project “BEEP BIM for Energy Efficiency in the Public sector” funded by the European CBC MED program, with 7 Mediterranean countries. She has been invited in several lectures and Keynote speeches in national and international conferences and teaches in University courses and Masters where she acts as scientific tutor and curator of degree and doctoral theses. She is member of several Editorial Boards and received the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage 2009 Europa Nostra Award for the restoration of St. Nicholas Church, Cyprus.