DTC Lazio
Technological District of Cultural Heritage Lazio – Centre of Excellence
DTC Lazio is a center for aggregation and integration of technological skills applied to the conservation, enhancement and promotion of the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the Lazio Region. The Centre has been founded on July 2018 by five public Universities (Sapienza University of Rome, University of Tor Vergata, University of Roma Tre, University of Viterbo, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio) , and by the main national research institutions (CNR, ENEA, INFN), with the support of the Regione Lazio and MIUR, and in collaboration with MIBACT. Today the DTC Lazio Community includes more than 700 researchers and teachers engaged in research projects and human capital formation; more than 100 members of the Stakeholder Board; 250 highly qualified laboratories equipped with advanced scientific instrumentation.
For more information, take a look at our page: dtclazio.it