Claudia Carlucci

Claudia Carlucci

Director of the Museum Complex of the Sapienza University of Rome

Claudia Carlucci, PHD, is director of the Sapienza Museum Complex. Lecturer in Etruscology and Italic Archaeology, Sapienza University of Rome. Corresponding member of the Journal of Etruscan Studies. The area of personal research concerns in particular: sanctuaries, sacred architecture and decorative apparatuses of temple buildings in Etruscan (especially southern Etruria), Roman, Latin and Faliscan areas; votive deposits and the regime of votive offerings. Member of research groups on the Etruscan cities of Veio and Pyrgi (S. Severa, Rm) and the Agro falisco. He has curated numerous scientific projects of temporary archaeological exhibitions and permanent displays, including, e.g., the rooms of the Venetian, Faliscan and Latian sanctuaries of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and Villa Poniatowski. Curated the temporary exhibitions for the area museums of archaeology of the Sapienza Museum Complex. He works in museology and museum education. In recent years it has extended its fields of interest to museology, the enhancement of cultural heritage and museum education.