Affluences is a company specialised in measuring, forecasting and communicating real-time crowd-flow information (head count, occupancy rate, waiting time) in high-traffic facilities, particularly cultural institutions.

The particularity of Affluences lies in our ability to manage crowd-flow covering the entire value chain: in addition to designing, installing, calibrating and maintaining counting sensors, we develop IT tools to exploit the data collected by the sensors through a back-office interface.

We also offer solutions to communicate the information to visitors through our mobile app and website, as well as thanks to APIs to embed the information directly into out partner’s websites and mobile apps.

The advantages of Affluences:
– The only company specialised in managing crowd-flow in all kinds of sites open to public (public administration, libraries, culture, natural parks, transport, etc.);
– Know-how in the cultural sector: partner with the top 5 of France most visited institutions;
– Present in Italy since 2018 and partner of more than 60 institutions, mainly in the public sector (registered to MePa, ACN certified);
– A young and innovative company, working with all the counting technologies on the market to best meet the needs of each partner (technological neutrality);
– A solid growth model (self-financing from the beginning) with a successful first fundraising round of EUR 4 million at the peak of the Covid-19 crisis (2020).
