Session I – Comparing Projects and Strategies
The meeting will provide an opportunity to explore the role of museums as active players within contemporary society, thanks to the presentation of projects and strategies implemented by relevant Italian museum institutions. In fact, museums are no longer seen solely as spaces of preservation and exhibition, but also as catalysts of cultural exchange and points of connection in a network of ideas, knowledge and practices.
We will explore the potential of collaborations, both within the museum context and with external entities, in fostering learning and development processes that transcend traditional institutional boundaries, generating new forms of knowledge and fostering more informed and inclusive access to culture.
By comparing different experiences, the panel will highlight innovative ways to promote inclusion, stimulate intercultural dialogue and build a shared cultural heritage. Presentations and discussions will offer insights into challenges and opportunities, orienting the field toward a future characterized by greater openness, collaboration and participation.
• Marianna Bressan, Musei archeologici nazionali di Venezia e della Laguna
• Fabrizio Sudano, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Reggio Calabria
• Costantino D’Orazio, Musei Nazionali dell’Umbria
Chair: Fabio Severino, Economista della cultura
The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 13 from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Auditorium