Edited by Museimpresa

Museimpresa, the Italian Association of Business Archives and Museums, brings together more than 150 museums and archives of large, medium and small Italian companies.
Founded in Milan in 2001 on the initiative of Assolombarda and Confindustria, it is a unique network at the European level: Museimpresa is committed to bringing together new players in business culture, influencing training processes, safeguarding the memory of Italian industry and enhancing the testimonies of an extraordinary manufacturing capacity that is the engine of sustainable development and the cornerstone of a widespread economic, social and civil culture.
Giving visibility, from a systemic point of view, to the varied phenomenon of business museums and archives, an expression of Italy’s productive and entrepreneurial history; fostering the exchange and diffusion of knowledge and experiences among the museum community, businesses, cultural institutions and the general public; and increasing the relationship and interaction between businesses and archives operating in the national and international territory are among the Association’s aims.
The panel that Museimpresa is organizing for the 2024 edition of RO.ME – Museum Exhibition will feature representatives from the network’s business museums and archives, MIC’s Business Archives Portal, the European Archives Portal, and CAMERA to talk about national and international connections for museums and business archives.


– Marta Musso, Archive Portal Europe
– Barbara Bergaglio, CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography
– Sabrina Mingarelli, SServizio II Patrimonio archivistico – Direzione Generale Archivi – Ministero della

Chair: Lucia Nardi, Museimpresa

The meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 15 from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at Vasari Hall.