
Andrea Billi

Scientific Coordinator

Andrea Billi, teaches development economics and institutions of political economy at Sapienza, University of Rome. His research interests are development policies for lagging areas of industrialized countries, social cohesion, regional and local gaps, and cultural policies. From 2009 to 2011 he worked on corporate crises and major strategic projects at the Presidency of the Council, and from 2014 to 2017 he was senior policy analyst at the OECD (OECD) in the Trento/Venice Center for Local Development. while at the OECD he coordinated the project, called ACTORS and funded by MIBACT, for the definition of integrated tourism-cultural development strategies of some pilot areas of Southern Italian regions. Since 2019, he has been Director of the Sapienza Innovazione COnsortium, which deals with technology transfer and large multidisciplinary projects. He specifically follows, since 2019, as part of the Rome Museum Exhibition the scientific coordination of the conference, which involves national and international experts, scholars and academics, on the issues of culturally-based development of local institutions, cultural and creative enterprises and territories.