The panel will explore the intersection between technological innovation and the enhancement of cultural and artistic heritage and museum sites. Through the concrete experiences of specialized Italian institutions and companies, it will discuss the use of advanced digital tools, such as augmented reality, 3-D digitization and artificial intelligence, to make heritage more accessible and usable to a wide and diverse audience.
The meeting will provide an opportunity to analyze the challenges emerging in integrating technologies into conservation and dissemination processes, highlighting the benefits that these innovations can bring to research and management of cultural resources. Opportunities for collaboration between the public and private sectors to develop pioneering projects that help preserve and disseminate our heritage in sustainable and innovative ways will also be explored.
• Roberto Carraro, Carraro LAB
• Maria Elena Colombo, Museo Egizio
• Marcello Minuti, Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali
• Elena Mengotti, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
Chair: Antonio Scuderi, Capitale Cultura Group – IED
The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 14 from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. at Vasari Hall.